CEO Tashi Wangdu speaks at a workshop organized by UN for Nepal Cooperators

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Tashi wangdu uncoop present small
Tashi wangdu uncoop present small

Kathmandu 4 Feb: FTCI CEO Tashi Wangdu spoke on Good Governance and Innovative Financial Services at a central level workshop organized by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to the members of Nepal Agriculture Co-operative Central Federation Ltd. (NACCFL). The 3-day workshop for NACCFL members is held from 2nd to 4th Feb 2015. Mr. Suresh Pradhan, Secretary, Ministry of Cooperative, Government of Nepal, Ms. Maira Grazia Rocchinigiani and Mr. Toshiaki Ono of FAO have presided over the workshop. Over 50 cooperators from across Nepal attended the workshop. Other speakers for this workshop are from the National Agriculture Cooperative Federation, Korea, SANASA Development Bank, Sri Lanka and Ja Zencu, Japan.

Tashi Wangdu uncoop stage1 small
Tashi Wangdu uncoop stage1 small

Mr. Tashi is representing Indian cooperatives. He made a presentation on the success stories of Tibetan Cooperative movement in India. He enlightened participants on how Tibetan Cooperatives support small farmers through innovative credit system that has 99% repayment rate.

He spoke about various business activities run by Tibetan cooperatives that directly benefit members and how its activities help preserve and promote Tibetan culture and arts.

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